Ways You Can Donate To Christian Hits Z90.7

Christian Hits Z90.7 WZIV can only serve our audience when generous listeners like you donate! We are a non-profit, listener supported ministry. When you help us financially, you’re keeping Christian Hits Z90.7 on track to continue serving the Illinois Valley communities with the life changing message of Jesus. Here are several ways you can help financially support Christian Hits Z90.7. Thank you!

You may financially support Christian Hits Z90.7 WZIV with your best gift through a one-time and/or an ongoing donation that fits your budget with PayPal.

Mail Your Donation

Mail your donation:

Z90.7 WZIV

PO Box 235

Princeton, IL 61356


Learn more about how your business or ministry can provide financial support to help with the monthly ongoing operating costs of Christian Hits Z90.7 WZIV.